Kerr Resources is a small publishing company that produces quality resources for use in Christian congregations.
The company began as a public foundation called Kerr Associates in 1975 and served the mainline Protestant community for 15 years. Kerr Associates published and distributed resources primarily for congregations of NCC-based denominations with special emphasis on resources for The United Methodist Church and The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
In addition, Kerr Associates provided a range of publishing, writing, editing, commercial design, consultation, video production, and interactive CD Rom and internet services for national and international clients involved in Christian service. A few of these clients were the National and World Councils of Churches, the American Bible Society, the World Methodist Council, the Presbyterian (U.S.A.) General Assembly, and assorted general agencies of main line denominations and ecumenical agencies.
Kerr Associates closed in 1990 but many of the churches and Christian organizations that had relied on the foundation for resources and services requested that these products and services be made available again. And, in 1995, a new entity, Kerr Resources, began again producing and distributing resources for Christian congregations. Because of the internet, what was originally a design, production and distribution entity for United States congregations has gradually expanded to serve English speaking congregations around the world.
However, Kerr Resources remains a very small company run entirely by Ronn and Jo Kerr in their semi-retirement years from their home-office located outside a small fishing village on the south coast of Oregon.